Monday 14 February 2011

Levels Introduction - Cows

Levels is a photoshop tool I am extremely familiar with and although it isn't necessarily the best tool to use to create contrast it is useful to know how it works for slight tweaking sometimes. The basic principle is a histogram that has a black, grey, and white slider. These of which you move to add more of  whichever tone your image needs. There is also an eyedropper tool on this that allows you to select where the black, grey, and white tones should be on the image and levels will change the photo for you accordingly. 

Finding those tones on your image can be quite tricky though so another handy tool to use in conjunction is threshold. This works with a similar histogram type image and one slider of which you move from one side to the other to show either the darkest or lightest tones on the image. From this you can then select the spot of which this occurs by holding shift then clicking, and then on opening levels the areas reappear numbered one and two. This then allows you to pin point the correct tonal areas when your using the eyedropper on the levels tool, and hopefully create a image of more tonal contrast and interest.



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