Friday 18 February 2011

Layers - Scrapbook

This exercise was again to use layers in different orders, but this time there were layer styles and text added. The photo was added into the other set of layers and the white border of it was removed. The paper texture layer had the opacity turned down and blending changed from normal to luminosity. The photo and the letter layers were then linked together, or merged, free transformed smaller and moved down the page. 'Scrapbook'was added in century gothic font style, 72 pt. with the layer style of bevel and emboss - inner bevel, depth 50%, drop shawdow, pale orangey shade. the other text layer was then changed from being hidden and edited to a '3'. The letter and photo layer were then given a drop shadow, 50% opacity, size 10px. And the image was complete. A good tool to remember when doing effects with layers is if you hold Alt and click onto where it says effect on the layer you have applied the effect to, you can then drag the effect onto another layer, or all of them.

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