Photo (Colour) Filter
cooling filter
General Filter
You can add more than one filter to an image by clicking the box at the bottom of the filter gallery next to the bin. Effectively this adds another layer and they can be swapped around in different orders.
Note Paper Filter
Dust & Scratches Filter
This filter helps primarily with images that are from film camera, that you have scanned into photoshop. You should be able to remove the majority of the dust on the image and the scratches with this very handy tool. As a general rule the threshold, if higher, will change the images less, and if lower, will change the image more.
Render - Lighting Effects
Style -RGB lights
Style - Five lights down
Unsharp Mask
0.2 (Always keep low)
Lower radius - sharpens edge pixels.
Higher radius - sharpens all around and can create a crazy effect.
the higher it is, the less it will do